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Canivez, Joseph Marie: Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis. (Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique. Bibliothèque 9-14). Vol. 1-8. Louvain 1933-1941.

Vetus cella, Altzelle, abb. monach. cist. in dioec. Misnen.:


Abbas Antonius, Leonardus 1487: 90;

accusat. 1222: 23:

citat. ad Capit. 1424: 21;

commiss. 1225: 61; 1263: 50; 1336: 11; 1412: 50; 1413: 38, 41, 42, 56; 1471: 54; 1473: 49; 1484: 29; 1485: 67, 86; 1486; 26, 56; 1488: 44; 1490: 29; 1518: 76;

defens. priv. 1426: 62; 1456: 27; 1482: 22, 58;

elect. Ioann. de Hirsberg 1434: 56; 1443: 61;

Ant. Schorteo 1470: 15;

excusat. 1410: 37; 1411: 12; 1426: 60;

facult. 1410: 21; 1413: 43, 59; 1484: 68, 83; 1485: 88; 1496: 67;

iudex 1252: 30; 1459: 46; 1469: 45; 1489: 88; 1496: 43;

petens 1426: 23, 24; 1484: 82;

praesid. elect. 1473: 17;

punit. 1191: 31; 1199: 84;

querel. 1236: 49; 1237: 76: 1292: 11; 1396: 52; 1413: 39; 1520: 83;

reform. 1441: 27; 1456: 12, 17; 1470: 31:

Bona tempor. 1190: 83; 1496: 40.

Contract. 1483: 26; 1485: 24; 1488: 71; 1496: 22.

Convers. N. 1485: 57.

Domus filiae 1237: 60; 1246: 61; 1263: 46; 1280: 71; 1281: 32; 1294: 16; 1411: 58; 1413: 44; 1500: 41.

Monach. 1235: 41; 1242: 68;

Andr. Hidech, Ioann. Aurifaber, Martin. Geuker, Paul. Amendorf, 1411: 60;

Philipp, elect. in Nova cella 1483: 10;

Math. Currifex 1489: 133;

Math. Stelmechet 1493: 54;

Math. Steinberg, Fred. Martel, Erhard. Ysenman 1493: 55;

Fred. Mertol 1502: 16;

Paulus 1516: A.

Monast. 1195: 72; 1234: 33; 1247: 30; 1485: 77.

Scolar. 1411: 33; 1413: 40; 1419: 30; 1468: 20; 1472: 21, 46, 53; 1473: 32; 1483: 54; 1485: 76; 1489: 51, 66; 1490: 31; 1491: 25; 1507: 32; 1508: 44; 1513: 9; 1514: 65; 1515: 17, 101; 1520: 13; 1523: 45.

Waddell, Chrysogonus: Twelfth-century statutes from the Cistercian general chapter: latin text with English notes and commentary. (Cîteaux. Studia et documenta 12). Cîteaux 2002. ISBN: 90-805439-4-2.

[1191/30-225, 1195/68-342, S. 449].