Ti trovi qui:







Janauschek, Leopold: Originum Cisterciensium. Tomus I. Vindobonae 1877. p. 227. No. DLXXXIX. 


O'Dwyer, Barry W.: Stephen of Lexington: Letters from Ireland 1228 - 1229. Cistercian Publications Inc Kalamazoo, Michigan 1982 .
Letter 42 and 98


O'Sullivan, Denis: The Cistercian Abbey of Tracton, Co. Cork. In: Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society 44 (1939), p. 1-15. ISSN: 0010-8731.


Stalley, Roger: The Cistercian Monasteries of Ireland. Yale University Press London & New Haven 1987. p. 250.
"The Protestant parish church (1817) occupies the site of the abbey church. There are no medieval remains apart from a variety of carved and moulded stones scattered about the neighbourhood or build into nearby houses."




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