Ti trovi qui:






Ollig, Hans Jakob. Balmerino. Manuskript für CISTOPEDIA


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Fawcett, Richard. Balmerino Abbey: the Architecture'. in T. Kinder (ed.), Life on the Edge: the Cistercian Abbey of Balmerino, Fife (Citeaux, Commentarii cistercienses 59)(Forges-Chimay 2008), pp. 81-118


Hammond, Matthew. Queen Ermengarde and the Abbey of St Edward, Balmerino. in T. Kinder (ed.), Life on the Edge: the Cistercian Abbey of Balmerino, Fife (Citeaux, Commentarii cistercienses 59)(Forges-Chimay 2008), pp. 11-35


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Kerr, Julie, Balmerino Abbey: Cistercians on the East Coast of Fife. in T. Kinder (ed.), Life on the Edge: the Cistercian Abbey of Balmerino, Fife (Citeaux, Commentarii cistercienses 59)(Forges-Chimay 2008), pp. 37-60


Márkus,Gilbert. Reading the Place-Names of a Monastic Landscape. in T. Kinder (ed.), Life on the Edge: the Cistercian Abbey of Balmerino, Fife (Citeaux, Commentarii cistercienses 59)(Forges-Chimay 2008), pp. 119-62


Morgan, Trudi. This sacred solitude. The story of Balmerino Abbey. [1979].


National Trust for Scotland. The one-time Cistercian Abbey of Balmerino in Fife. Edinburgh 1950.


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