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Fountains Abbey (en)

from Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fountains_Abbey (19.05.2008)


Fountains Abbey (ger)

from Wipipedia, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fountains_Abbey (19.05.2008)


Fountains la storia   


Fountains history



Coppack, Glyn, Fountains abbey, English Heritage, London, 1993.


Janauschek, Leopold: Originum Cisterciensium. Tomus I. Vindobonae 1877. S. 37. Nr. LXXXIX.


Leroux-Dhuys, Jean-François: Die Zisterzienser: Geschichte und Architektur. Köln: Könemann 2006. ISBN: 3-8331-2076-2. [S. 12, S. 39, S. 72, S. 77, S. 102, S. 107, S. 110, S. 136, S. 137, S. 212-217].


Moody, Charles H. , The pictorial history of Fountains Abbey & Fountains Hall / 1962  


Norton, Christopher , Richard of Fountains and the letter of Thurstan /  2004


Phillips, Alan: Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire / Alan Phillips. - 3. impression. London : H. M. stationary office, 1972. - 28 S. : Ill. (Department of the Environment souvenir guide-book), ISBN 0-11-670122-6


Thurlby, Malcolm, he crossing of Fountains Abbey Church / 2004


Wardrop, J. , Fountains Abbey and its benefactors / 1980








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