Category Fresco
Origin: artist/workshop Umbria/Lazio School
Date 14C/1
Reference No
Size 205x287
Provenance Palombara Sabina, Gulielmite Abbey of St John in Argentella
Present Location Palombara Sabina, Gulielmite Abbey of St John in Argentella
Bibliography VP2:6:37-8 (PL185:289-90); LA, 218-9; Dal Pra 1991, 1-5

Florence 1990, 40; Dal Pra 1990, 350-1
Illustration From Dal Pra 1991, ill 1
Other illustrations Florence 1990, ill 15

Country Italy
Fresco from the beginning of the fourteenth century showing the crowned Duke William of Aquitaine on horse accompanied by two horsemen with trumpets in front and a number of others behind. He is pointing to Bernard whom he is on his way to meet. It is part of a cycle of St William of Malevalla, founder of the Guilelmite Order of Hermits in one of whose churches this is. Bernard was considered to have been responsible for his conversion, but he was not the same as the Duke of Aquitaine who had originally opposed Innocent II in the papal schism until his conversion by Bernard. The identity of the two was commonly confused. See also WA30.