Category Seal
Origin: artist/workshop
Date 12C/2
Reference No
Size 4.0x3.0
Provenance Abbey of Clairvaux
Present Location Rouen, Musee des Antiquites de la Seine-Maritime
Bibliography SBOp 8:199; Paris 1990, 265; Walford & Way 1857, 50-2; Schmitt 1992, 641-3; Aurenhammer 1959-67, 332

Douet d'Arcq 1968, 373 (No 8644); Birch 1887-1900, 5:257 (No 18,531)
Illustration From photo - Society of Antiquaries of London (impression)
Other illustrations photo - Museum; Paris 1990, 150 (matrix) and 265 (impression)

Leclercq 1966, 55; Huy 1990, 13
Country France
Pointed oval matrix made of copper, 4 cm long. It shows a frontal figure of Bernard, tonsured and wearing a cowl. He is seated on a faldstool, the arms of which termintate in an animal's head. In his right hand he has a simple crozier, in his left a writing-tablet in the form of an arch-topped diptych and stylus. The legend reads:
+SIGILLUM:BERNARDI:ABBATISCLAREVALL'. Its auhtenticity has in recent times been questioned by
M. Pastoureau, who claims that it is an eighteenth-century forgery. If genuine, it is the only one from his lifetime with the exception of a manuscript image from Canterbury (see MA006).