Category Engraving
Origin: artist/workshop Urs Graf the Elder
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 8.0x17.0
Provenance St Urban Cistercian Abbey
Present Location Zuerich, Schweizerisches Landesmuseum
Bibliography VP2:6:37-8 (PL185:289-90); LA218-9; Paffrath 1984, 402; Hollstein 1977, 11:7

Thieme & Willis 1921, 14:486-8
Illustration From Paffrath 1984, 284
Other illustrations Hollstein 1977, 11:ill 35

Country Switzerland
One of the six double silver plates from Urs Graf's bust-reliquary for St Urban dated 1519. On the right Bernard kneels before a standing crowned Virgin with child. The Virgin presses her breast with her left hand and a jet of milk reaches Bernard's mouth. Signed with monogram and dagger on the vaulting above the central column. The inscription reads: LACTE DEI MATREM SE MONSTRAT MARIA VIRGO ('The Virgin Mary shows herself the mother of god by her milk'). On the left Bernard stands dressed in eucharistic vestments with his back to the altar upon which are a chalice, book, and candlestick. He is showing the Host to the Duke of Aquitaine who kneels before him in repentance. The duke is accompanied by two men. The inscription: CORPORE XPI AVSVS EFRENI COMITIS ARCET ('By His Body Christ saves the Count from his errors'). (See also VA04-07, and VA09-11).