Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Upper Rhine Master
Date 16C/1
Reference No Inv No PC: BIII S.49
Size 63.5x69.3 (open)- wings each 41.8x16.8, predella 12.5x25.2
Provenance Lichtenthal Cistercian Nuns' Abbey, Baden-Baden
Present Location Lichtenthal Cistercian Nuns' Abbey, Baden-Baden
Bibliography Karlsruhe 2001, 356-7

Eberbach 2003, 90-91
Illustration From Karlsruhe 2001, 357
Other illustrations Eberbach 2003, 90

Country Germany
Small triptych for the private devotion of a nun from Lichtenthal. The centre has a Pieta carved 1460-70 or some 50 years before the paintings on the triptych made c 1520 to contain this. The outer sides of the wings have Bernard on the left in a white cowl and Benedict on the right in a black cowl. Both are nimbed and carry croziers and a red book, Bernard's open from which he is reading. The inner wing on the left has St Rosula depicted as a Cistercian nun receiving a nun's girdle from an angel. This suggests the ownership of Rosula Roeder von Hohenrod who entered 1490 and was abbess 1519-44. On the right is St Euphrosyna of Alexandria who became a nun while young - she is shown with her father. The predella has a Lactation scene with the inscription ' Monstra te esse matrem'.