Triptych from the Netherlands dated c 1440. The centre has the Crucifixion with Mary on the left, John on the right, and a small kneeling figure of a Cistercian donor nun. The inscription has Christ saying: 'Tolle crucem tuam et sequere me' (Take up your cross and follow me. Mt 5:8), Mary: 'Fulcite me floribus, stipate me malis quia amore langueo' (Stay me up with flowers, compass me about with apples because I languish with love. S of S 2:5), and the nun:'Trahe me post te' (Draw me after you. S of S 1:4). On the left is Gregory with the papal tiara and Mary Magdalen with the jar of ointment. The inscription has Gregory saying: 'Discite a me quia mitis sum et humilis corde' (Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart'. Mt 11:29), Mary Magdalen: 'Remittuntur e peccata multa quia dilexit multum' (Many sins are forgiven her for she has loved much. Lk 7:47). On the right are Francis showing the stigmata and with the knotted cord round his waist and Bernard in a black cowl and holding a crozier with sudarium in his right hand. Francis says: 'Beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsarum est regnum celorum' (Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. John 5:20), and Bernard: 'Non veni facere voluntatem meam sed voluntatem eius qui me misit' (I did not come to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. John 5:20).