Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Giovanni di Paolo (c 1399-1482)
Date 15C/3
Reference No
Provenance Cistercian Abbey of San Galgano
Present Location Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale
Bibliography Torriti 1977, 332-5

Berenson 1968, 1:180
Illustration From photo - Soprintendenza PSAD Siena & Grosseto
Other illustrations Calabuig 1993, ill 3

Torriti 1977, 334 & 335
Country Italy
The centre panel of the polyptych painted by Giovanni di Paolo c 1470 for the Cistercian abbey of San Galgano no longer exists, but the side panels have the standing figures of Sts Benedict and Mary Magdalene on the left and Galgano and Bernard on the right (see PA163), while the predella has the arms of San Galgano and scenes relating to the saints including this Doctrina image of Bernard. On the right bernard kneels at a Gothic desk on which is an open book in which he has been writing, pen in his right hand and knife in his left. He looks up at Mary above, flanked by an angel on each side. Mary holds out her hand in blessing. The scene is a mountainous rocky landscape with trees. Top left is the abbey of Clairvaux, and below the scene is witnessed by three monks, two of them in white cowls and the third, who stands behind a tree, in white tunic and black scapular. Bernard has 'tuft'.