Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Master of the Rinuccini Chapel
Date 14C/3
Reference No Inv 8463
Size 175x200
Provenance Florence, Cistercian Abbey of Settimo
Present Location Florence, Accademia
Bibliography Paffrath 1990, 40; Florence 1990, 106; Kaftal 1952, 180; Dal Pra 1990, 354-5; Marcucci 1965, 94-6; Aurenhammer 1959-67, 338

Berenson 1963, 1:143; Janke 1974, 45-50; Fremantle 1975, 201; Iconografia di San; Benedetto 1982, 74-5; van Marle 1923-38, 3:465-6; Schmitt 1990, 159; Aurenhammer 1959-67, 338
Illustration From Paffrath 1990, 40
Other illustrations Florence 1990, 107; Dal Pra 1990, ill 8; Marcucci 1965, ill 54; van Marle 1923-38, 3: ill 261

Berenson 1963, 1:ills 282-4; Janke 1974, ill 28; Iconografia di San Benedetto 1982, ill 14; Dante 1965, 494; Paris 1990, 162
Country Italy
Altarpiece with a Doctrina image in the centre, St Benedict in a white cowl and carrying a crozier and a bundle of sticks together with St John the Evangelist on the left and Sts Quentin and Galgano on the right. A bearded Bernard kneels at a desk with an open book with a pen in his right hand and a knife in his left. He looks up at the Virgin, accompanied by two angels, floating before him. The Virgin blesses him with her right hand. Two monks behind Bernard witness the scene which takes place in a garden with flowers and trees. A medallion above the central panel has Christ Pantocrator and two medallions over the sides feature the Annunciation. The text on Bernard's book reads: REGINA CELI MATER CRUCIFIXI DIC MATER DOMINI SI IN JERUSALEM ERAS QUANDO CAPTUS FUIT FILIUS TUUS...CUI ILLA RESPONDIT. The reply is the text coming out of the Virgin's mouth: J(E)RU(SALE)M Q(UA)N(DO) HOC AUDIVI. The predella has one scene from the life of each of the saints portrayed and, in the centre, two of Bernard. See PA!56 & PA157. From a letter sent by Andrea di Pietro Giulianelli to Richa we know that the bones of St Quentin were buried in Settimo, linked since 1236 to the Cistercians of San Galgano. Bernard has 'tuft'.