Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Pietro Perugino (c1450-1523)
Date 15C/4
Reference No Inv WAF 764
Size 160x173
Provenance Florence, Cistercian Church of Santa Maddalena dei Pazzi
Present Location Munich, Alte Pinakothek
Bibliography Paffrath 1990, 48; Aurenhammer 1959-67, 338; Schmitt 1990, 159; Gariboldi 1999, 110

Florence 1990, 61; Scarpellini 1984, 84-5; Schmitt 1990, 159; Berenson 1968, 1:329
Illustration From Paffrath 1990, 48
Other illustrations Florence 1990, ill 33

Scarpellini 1984, ill 75 (and ill 74 - detail); Berenson 1952, ill 308
Country Italy
Painted by Pietro Perugino c 1489-90. Commissioned by Bernard & Philip di Luttozzo Nasi for their family chapel in the Cistercian church of S Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi. Bernard sits at a desk on which is an open book. He has both hands raised and is looking up at the standing figure of the Virgin before him. She is accompanied by two angels and with her right hand is pointing to Bernard's book with her right. St Bartlomomew and St Philip stand beside Bernard. The scene is a vaulted hall with pillars with a rocky landscape in the background.