Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Giovanni da Milano (fl 1350-69)
Date 14C/3
Reference No Inv 5
Size central panel 112x51, each side panel 78x27.5, each predella 32.5x22 (upper) & 21.5x28.5 (lower)
Provenance Prato, Hospital of St Barnabas
Present Location Prato, Pinacoteca Comunale
Bibliography Cavadini 1980, 44-5; Datini 1972, 13-5; Berenson 1963, 89

Florence 1990, 31 & 56; Clark 1981-2, 175-87; Fremantle 1975, 181; Marabottini 1950, 41-8
Illustration From Cavadini 1980, 15 & 46
Other illustrations Florence 1990, ill 6; Fremantle 1975, ill 189 & 190; Datini 1972, 13

Marabottini 1950, ill 3
Country Italy
Polyptych painted 1360-1 by Giovanni da Milano for the Hospital of St Barnabas, Prato, and commissioned by Frater Francesco da Tieri, prior of the hospital 1334-63. The central panel has the Virgin and Child enthroned flanked by St Catherine of Alexandria and Bernard on the left and St Bartholomew and St Barnabas on the right. Bernard is bearded and is carrying a red book. He has a 'tuft'. The upper predella has scenes from the lives of the saints, including the Vision of Bernard (see PA150), and the lower predella has biblical scenes. The inscription reads: EGO JOHANNES DE MEDIOLANO PINXI HOC OPUS FRATE FRANCESCO FECI DEPINGERE QUESTA TAVOLA SOTTO LE STORIE DEI SANTI: DECOLACIO SANCTE KATERINE, DOCTRINA SANCTI BERNARDI CONFESSORIS, PASIO SANCTI BARTOLAMEI APOSTOLI, PASIO SANCTI BARNABE APOSTOLI. The medallions in the pinnacles have busts of five Prophets. Bernard has 'tuft'.