Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Jean Bellegambe (active 1504-34)
Date 16C/1
Reference No Inv. 32.100.102
Size each wing 95.9x25.4
Provenance Clairvaux
Present Location New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Michael Friedsam Collection
Bibliography Ainsworth & Christiansen 1999, 332-4; Sterling 1955, 18-20; Dewez & Iterson 1956, 177; Chauvin 2001, 103

Genaille 1952, 99-108; Heller 1976, 175; Friedlaender 1967-76, 12:101; Dupeux 1993, 161; Pearson 2001, 1358-62
Illustration From photo - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Other illustrations Ainsworth & Christiansen 1999, 334; Kirschbaum & Braunfels 1968-76, 5:378; Pearson 2001, ill 3; Friedlaender 1967-76, 12:ill 119

Country France
The outside wings of the Retable of le Cellier painted in c 1509 by Jean Bellegambe and commissioned by Abbess Jeanne de Boubais (see PA087 for the inside). As was quite common at the time, the outside wings were painted in grisaille. On the left Bernard, holding his crozier with sudarium attached with both hands which are clasped in prayer, kneels before the seated Virgin holding the naked Child with her left hand while her right hand is on her bared breast. Bernard has 'tuft'.