Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop South Netherlands Master
Date 15C/4
Reference No Inv No 976
Size 44x34
Present Location Antwerp, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten
Bibliography Vandenbroeck 1985, 38-40

Heller 1976, 201; Dupeux 1991, 186; Dupeux 1993, 161
Illustration From photo - Museum
Other illustrations Vandenbroeck 1985, ill 20

Country Belgium
The central scene in the background is that of the Virgin with Child enthroned on a raised platform in an architectural setting, flanked by an angel on each side. She bares her breast with her right hand in the direction of Bernard who kneels on the platform on the right, his hands clasped and his crozier leaning against his right shoulder. His mouth is open ready to receive the milk from the Virgin. Below the platform two women kneel on the left supported by their patron saints, Mary Magdalen with the ointment and Catherine with the crown and sword. On the left a group of men kneel, supported by two saints, perhaps St Rochus with the pilgrim's staff and St Bavo, much revered in Ghent (or St Hubert?). The donor family's coat of arms is at the top. It may be that of de Waele (?).