Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop attributed to workshop of Jean Bellegambe (active 1504-34)
Date 16C/2
Reference No Inv no 12046, Galerie Wittert no 46
Size 37.4x37.4
Provenance Cistercian Abbey of Villers
Present Location Liege, Collections artistiques de l'Universite
Bibliography Dewez & Iterson 1956, 178; Dupeux 1991, 180; Dupeux 1993, 161

Dijon 1953, 59; Huy 1990, 66; Coomans 2000, 44; Pearson 2001, 1379-80
Illustration From
Other illustrations Dewez & Iterson 1956, ill 3; Huy 1990, 18; Pearson 2001, ill 8

Coomans 2000, 44
Country Belgium
Panel painted c 1526-34 (that is between the beginning of the abbacy of Abbot van Zeverdonck and the death of the artist) with half-figures of the Virgin and Child and Bernard kneeling with hands clasped and his crozier leaning against his left shoulder. In the top right hand corner are the arms of Abbot Denis van Zeverdonck who was abbot of Villers 1526-45, and who was the model for Bernard. The arms consist of a deer surmounted by a mitre and with the initials 'DZ'. Bernard has a 'tuft'. The painting is very similar to PA095.