Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Jan Provoost (c 1465-1529)
Date 15C/4
Reference No Inv. 405816
Size 76.2x56 (central panel)
Present Location Hampton Court Palace, Royal Collection
Bibliography Campbell 1985, 111-3

Heller 1976, 223
Illustration From photo - The Royal Collection, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Other illustrations Campbell 1985, ill 85; Friedlaender 1967-74, 9b:ill 137

Country Belgium
Jan Provoost was born in Mons c 1465, became a burgess of Bruges in 1494 and remained active there until his death in 1529. This triptych of the Virgin and Child with Saints and Donors was painted at the end of the fifteenth century. In the centre the crowned Virgin is sitting on a gold throne decorated with images of St Paul and a kneeling saint with martyr's palm, St Simon and St Mary Magdalen. She presses her left hand to her right breast and directs a jet of milk, now scarcely visible, to the mouth of a kneeling Bernard who holds his crozier in his hands clasped in prayer. She supports the Child, who turns to Bernard to bless him, with his right hand. On the right is St Benedict in a black cowl and with a book in his right hand and a crozier in his left. The vase in the foreground contains columbines, irises, and lilies. On the hem of the Virgin's mantle is the inscription: '[MA]TER/[GR]ACIE.mater.MISERICORDIE.TV/...OTEC/NO.../PARADISI.GLORI[A]/...'. The left wing has St John Baptist with the emblems of book and the Lamb bearing the Cross and with a kneeling donor. The right wing has St Martha with a donatrix.