Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Master of the Maulbronn Altar
Date 15C/2
Reference No Inv 1634
Size 57.8x40.8
Provenance Maulbronn Cistercian Church
Present Location Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie
Bibliography VP2:6:37-8 (PL185:289-90); LA 218-9; Bushart 1957, 81-100

Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie 1992, 224-30
Illustration From photo - Museum
Other illustrations Bushart 1957, ill 3

Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie 1992, 226; Rueckert & Planck 2001, ill 2
Country Germany
One of eight scenes from the lives of the saints painted in 1432, five of them depicting Bernard, from the two side wings of an altarpiece from one of the side chapels built at Maulbronn in 1424, four of them on the inside and four on the outside. The other saints featured are Dominic, Leonard and Theodul (=Jodokus), and Francis. The centre measures 104x87, the left wing 115.8x40.8, and the right wing 115.5x39.3. The lower picture on the left side on the inside shows Bernard coming out of church carrying the Host which he holds high with his right hand while holding a paten in his left hand. He gives the Host to the penitent William of Aquitaine who lies prostrate at Bernard's feet. Bernard is wearing eucharistic vestments having just finished celebrating Mass as indicated by the altar in the background on which are a missal and a chalice. A small monk in black kneels behind Bernard. See also PA057 and PA059-PA061.