Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Fra Angelico da Fiesole (c 1400-1455)
Date 15C/1
Reference No NG 663.2
Size 33.4x65.6
Provenance Fiesole, Church of St Domenico
Present Location London, National Gallery
Bibliography Gordon 2003, 2-25; Baker & Henry 1995, 4

Dunkerton 1991, 48-9; Davies 1961, 16
Illustration From Gordon 2003, ill 5
Other illustrations Dunkerton 1991, 49

Baker & Henry 1995, 4
Country Italy
Bernard? The predella of the high altarpiece depicting Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven (the central panel 32x73) was painted by Fra Angelico between 1419 and 1435, probably in the mid-twenties, for the Dominican church in Fiesole. The inner left and right panels each measure 32x63.5 and the outer panels featuring Dominican saints 32x22. The right panel has the forerunners of Christ with saints and martyrs, the left the Virgin (top right) with the apostles and evangelists nearest to her in the top two rows. After them, in the top row, Silvester, Hilary and other saints. below, Jerome, Anthony, Anthony Abbot, Maurus (?), Benedict, Augustine, unidentified, Thomas Aquinas, Anthony of Padua, unidentified, and Bernard (?) with a book.