Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Master of Canapost
Date 15C/3
Reference No Inv. MDG 293
Provenance Church of Sant Esteve de Canapost
Present Location Girona, Museo Diocesano de Girona
Bibliography Duran 1953, 48; Dewez & Iterson 1956, 175

Dupeux 1993, 157; Aurenhammer 1959-67, 339
Illustration From photo - Museum
Other illustrations Duran 1953, ill 35

Country Spain
The Retable of Our Lady of the Milk by the Master of Canapost, probably a Frenchman, from the Church of Sant Esteve de Canapost from the second half of the fifteenth century. In the centre a Crucifixion scene is above the main Lactation scene, on the left St Nicholas of Bari is depicted in two scenes, and on the right Bernard in two scenes - a Lactation scene above, and below, nimbed, sitting on a chair with a gold and red brocade backdrop, holding a red book on his knee with both hands while a black crozier with gold top leans against his left shoulder. The Lactation scene takes place in a church with Bernard kneeling, with hands folded in prayer and his crozier leaning on his right shoulder before an altar covered with a cloth on which a smaller Virgin and Child are seated. The Virgin bares her breast and three jets of milk are sent in the direction of Bernard. The scene is witnessed by two monks in the background, one of them with his hood over his head. Above the scene are two music-playing angels.