This altarpiece of the Coronation of the Virgin with Adoring Saints was painted in egg (identified) on poplar in 1370-1 for the Church of S Pier Maggiore, Florence. The central panel features the Virgin crowned Queen of Heaven by her Son in the presence of choirs of angels with musical instruments. The scene is witnessed by a large number of saints kneeling on the side panels on each side ( each measuring 169x113) all turning inwards towards the central scene. The five rows of saints depicting altogether 24 saints on the left represent Peter, Bartholomew, Stephen, John the Evangelist, Francis, Mary Magdalen, Philip, Blaise, Gregory, Benedict, Lucy, Luke, and Ambrose. The five rows on the right represent Paul, Mathew, Lawrence, John the Baptist, Julian, Nicholas, Dominic, Catherine of Alexandria, James the Greater, Ivo of Brittany, Bernard, Anthony Abbot, Agnes, Mark, Augustine, Jerome, Scholastica, and Ursula. Only the upper part of Bernard is visible. He is nimbed, wearing a white cowl, and has a 'tuft'. Just as Peter is 'balanced' with Paul, John the Evangelist with John the Baptist, Francis with Dominic, so Bernard is with Benedict. Bernard has 'tuft'.