Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop unknown Westphalian Master
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 139x134
Provenance St Martin Benedictine Abbey, Cologne
Present Location Schloss Berchtesgarten
Bibliography VP4:5:31 & VP6:4:15 (PL185:338-9 & 361-2); Paffrath 1990, 63

Illustration From Paffrath 1990, 63
Other illustrations

Country Germany
The outer side of a retable wing painted in oil on oak c 1520 featuring Bernard in Speyer Cathedral during his Crusade preaching travels. Having changed his mind, Conrad suggested to Bishop Hermann of Constance that Bernard should visit Switzerland preaching, and Bernard therefore decided not to retrun to Clairvaux but to proceed to Switzerland. He returned through Basel and Speyer where he met Conrad again. He knelt before the altar and recited the 'Salve Regina'. As he came to 'O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria', the statue of the Virgin on the altar came to life and responded 'Salve Bernarde'. On the left is the bishop, on the right the king. Bernard is in a black cowl as are a number of other monks in the background beside the altar. Bernard's crozier is held by a lay server. The retable inner side is of a Nativity scene. See also PA23.