Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Jacob von Utrecht
Date 16C/1
Reference No WRM 359
Size 139x134
Provenance St Martin Benedictine Abbey, Cologne
Present Location Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz Museum
Bibliography Paffrath 1990, 62

Wallraf-Richartz 1969, 135; Steffen 1921, 97-9
Illustration From Paffrath 1990, 62
Other illustrations Wallfraf-Richartz 1969, ill 184

Country Germany
The outer side of a retable wing painted in oil on oak c 1520 has a scene of Bernard's travels through Flanders to Mainz and Worms to Frankfurt am Main in November 1146 in his unsuccessful attempt to gain the support of Conrad. As he was preaching in the cathedral at Frankfurt he was threatened and Conrad came to his rescue. This is the scene depicted here. The king lifts Bernard, who is dressed in a black cowl with a white tunic showing underneath, on to his left knee while a knight clad in white holds the crowd on the right back. Behind the king are his retinue, one of them carrying his scepter. Bernard's nimbus is that of rays. The reverse (inner) side depicts the Three Kings (belonging to Bayerische Staatsgemaeldesammlung and presently in Schloss Berchtesgaden). See also PA24.