Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Master of the Holy Family
Date 16C/1
Reference No Inv WAF 663
Size 182x98
Provenance Heisterbach?
Present Location Munich, Bayerische Staatsgemaeldesammlungen
Bibliography EM2:7 (Griesser 1961, 102-3); VP1:14:69 (PL185:265) & VP2:4:26 (PL185:283);Posset 2003,342

Paffrath 1990, 58; Goldberg & Scheffler 1972, 457-61
Illustration From Paffrath 1990, 59
Other illustrations Goldberg & Scheffler 1972, ill 140;Posset 2003,343

Country Germany
A triptych from c 1500 of the Mass of At Gregory the Great, the theme of the central panel (184x212). The left wing has St Augustine and St Andrew on the outside, the penitence of St Jerome on the inside; the right wing has St Jerome and St Ambrose (?) on the outside, Bernard in an Amplexus scene on the inside. In a church setting Christ, detached from a raised Crucifix, has his arms on Bernard's whose hands are supporting Christ's body. The scene is watched by a Cistercian monk carrying a book. The five mitres at the feet of the Cross refer to the five occasions on which Bernard refused to become a bishop. Inscription at the top of the T-Cross: INRI. Both monks were formerly in black cowls.