Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No Inv No M 39/3
Size 165x157.5
Provenance Guenterstal Nuns' Abbey
Present Location Freiburg i. Br, Augustinermuseum
Bibliography VP1:11 (PL185:256-7); Paffrath 1990, 64

Augustinermuseum Catalogue, 70-2
Illustration From photo - Museum
Other illustrations Paffrath 1990, 64

Augustinermuseum Catalogue, 71
Country Germany
According to the inscription at the bottom ' in the year of Our Lord 1506 this panel was made by the most venerable Lady Agnes von Tusslingen, abbess of this monastery' (Guenterstal). The statue of Bernard on the tower of Freiburg Cathedral was not the only memorial Bernard left behind following his preaching the Crusade in Freiburg and in Breisgau: it also resulted in the foundation of a number of monasteries like Tennenbach as well as Guenterstal. The painting represents an episode from the Vita Prima. A band of noble knights visited Clairvaux to see Bernard, who asked them to lay down their arms as it was only a few days to Lent. They refused. He then served them beer which he had blessed. Having left, they turned back and offered themselves for the 'Knighthood of the Spirit'. Some of them are still serving, while others have gone to their rest. Bernard in a black cowl carrying a crozier and identified by his name inscribed in his halo and with the arms of Clairvaux at his feet is shown blessing the beer with his right hand which is held by a dismounted knight in one hand while he holds his feathered cap in his left hand. A monk in a white cowl and with his hood over his head stands behind Bernard in a doorway holding a large jug of beer in his hand. A scroll by Bernard reads 'Trincken das drauff eiuer selen heil' (Drink this up that your souls may be healed}, and the knight's 'Lob und er sagen wier heiliger vatter von dier' (Praise and honour we pay to thee, o Holy Father}.