Category Painting
Origin: artist/workshop Palma Master
Date 13C/4
Reference No
Size 76.5x75
Provenance Templars' Church, Palma
Present Location Palma, Museu de Mallorca
Bibliography Vita Quarta 2:15 (PL185:548); Duran 1953, 34-5; Paffrath 1984, 409; Bernard de Clairvaux 1992, text to pl 8

Paris 1990, 200; Schmitt 1990, 155-6; Aurenhammer 1959-67, 337
Illustration From photo - Museum
Other illustrations Duran 1953, 87

Cocheril 1979, ill 17
Country Spain
One of the four lateral scenes (bottom right hand) from the altarpiece from the Templars' Church in Palma painted 1290. The scene represents the exorcism of two women by Bernard as recorded in the 'Vita Prima'. The source must be the story in the Vita Quarta in which two women from Bar-sur-Aube were said to be possessed by two devils. Bernard stands on the right, the hood of his white cowl partially over his head, with his right hand blessing two kneeling women from whose mouths the evil spirits are emanating like fire or smoke. The scene is witnessed by five men and women standing behind the kneeling women. A building in the background suggests an urban scene. See also PA011 for the central portrait of Bernard and PA012-PA014 for the other lateral scenes.