Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop
Date 13C/3
Reference No MS 838, f 103r (detail)
Provenance Douai, Nuns' Abbey of Notre-Dame-des-Pres
Present Location Valenciennes, Bibliotheque Multimedia
Bibliography Dijon 1953, 82 (present location incorrectly given as Douai)

Auirenhammer 1959-67, 337
Illustration From photo - Library
Other illustrations

Country France
In an Obituary from the Nuns' Abbey of Notre-Dame-des-Pres dated the second half of the thirteenth century the text relating to Bernard is illustrated by two miniatures: above a standing Bernard in a frontal position has a red crozier in his left hand while blessing two smaller monks at his feet and against a blue background with red spots. Below, his remains, draped by a red cloth, are carried in procession by four white monks preceded by a white monk carrying a processional cross and followed by a monk in rosa eucharistic vestments and carrying an open book from which he is reading prayers. In red it says 'XIII Kalends September' which equals 20 August, the feast of Bernard. The text has: 'In the territory of Langres the burial of blessed Bernard, a man glorious in his way of life, in his teaching, and in his miracles'. This follows the account of Samuel the Prophet, whose bones are buried in Jerusalem.