Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No MS CFM 133, f 137r
Size 4.9x4.3
Present Location Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum
Bibliography James 1895, 312-4

Illustration From photo - James Marrow
Other illustrations

Country France
French Book of Hours (Use of Rome) dated 1510. Miniature at the opening of the Verses ('sensuivent les ditz vers') with Bernard in a white alb, grey veil with tassels over his head, nimbed. He has an open book in his left hand, in his right hand he has a chain with a devil at the end whose head appears in the lower left corner. A rocky landscape. The story is given in red on the previous folio and ending on this folio: 'On list en la vie de saint bernard que le diable lui dist un yours quil savoit en psaultier neuf vers les quelz celuy ou celle qui les decrit...chaque jours ne fust en la fin sauve. Et saint Bernard luy demanda quelz estoyent ses neuf vers mais le dyable ne luy voulut dire. Alors saint Bernard luy repondit quil devait chaque jours tout le psaultier quil ne les dist. Pourtant le diable lui dist quelz estoient a celle fait quil nest plus grand merite en disant tout le psaultier'. Border on the outside of stylized leaves, some within medallions of gold. Bernard is almost identical to another miniature in a Book of Hours from the turn of the sixteenth century (see MA147).