Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Oxford?
Date 13C/3
Reference No f 166r (detail)
Provenance not known
Present Location unknown - Sotheby Sale 6/7/2000, lot 4
Bibliography SBOp 3:393; Sotheby catalogue 12/12/1967, lot 17; Sotheby catalogue 6/7/2000

Christie catalogue 22/6/1988, lot 212
Illustration From photo - James Marrow
Other illustrations Christie catalogue 22/6/1988, lot 212

Sotheby catalogue 6/7/2000, lot 4
Country England
In a manuscript from Northern England dated the third quarter of the thirteenth century of Pope Gregory the Great 'Homiliae XL in Evangelia', Peter of Blois 'Remediarium Conversorum', and Bernard's 'De consideratione' preceded by the dedicatory letter to Pope Eugenius III, whose origin is unknown but which was given to the Franciscans in York, perhaps by Simon Newton. Bernard's work is illustrated with five miniatures of Bernard and Eugenius III (ff 166, 169, 173, 176v & 180) and one of Bernard writing (f 194). This miniature has Bernard handing the pope his letter within the initial S(ubit animum dictare aliquid) - 'It has occurred to me to write something which might edify, delight or console you, Blessed Father Eugene'. The red letters above announce the beginning of the first book, and in the margin it tells us that we have the Preface. Bernard is bearded and in a white cowl. He hands the letter to the pope with his right hand while his left hand is pointing to the pope. The pope has the conical type of headgear in which popes are depicted before the use of the tiara. He takes the letter with his left hand and has his right hand raised in acknowledging Bernard. See also MA284-8