Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Nicolas of Bologna and disciples
Date 14C/2
Reference No MS Vat. lat. 8541, f 89r (detail)
Size 8.4x6.5 (each image excl. border - four images on folio 21.5x16.7)
Provenance Court of Hungary
Present Location Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica
Bibliography Vita Secunda 30:82 (PL 185:521); LA 220; Karl 1929, 185-205

Dal Pra 1990, 351-4; Schmitt 1990, 156
Illustration From photo - Library
Other illustrations Karl 1929, ill 4

Dal Pra 1990, ill 7
Country Italy
One of eight images of Bernard from a Legendary illustrated by Nicolas of Bologna dated 1330-40 and featuring the lives of 51 saints. Four are on this folio and four on the preceding facing folio, each image surrounded by foliate decoration. The lower left picture represents Bernard's 'testament'. According to the Golden Legend Bernard is supposed to have said to his monks before he died that he would leave them three things: 'charity, humility, and patience'. According to the author of the Second life, Alan of Auxerre, Bernard had in fact councelled looking after others, being humble, and being patient, but it is James of Voragine that turns this into a direct quotation from Bernard. Bernard is depicted sitting up in bed, his top half naked, and instructing approximately ten monks in three rows who are listening attentively to him. A lamp hangs above Bernard. The inscription reads: 'VII. Quomodo narrabat fratribus de morte sua' (How he told his brethren of his death). See also MA246-51 & 253.