Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Simon Bening
Date 16C/1
Reference No The Rothschild Prayerbook - formerly Vienna, National Library, Cod.ser.nova 2844, f 245v
Size 24.1x17.4
Present Location unknown
Bibliography Christie 1999, 135-60; Trenkler 1979; Mazal & Unterkircher 1963, 412-4; Unterkircher 1967, 252-4

Unterkircher 1967, 252-4: Unterkircher 1984; Aachen 1981, 372; Smeyers & Van der Stock 1996, 37; Biermann 1975, 15-310; Trenkler 1979
Illustration From Christie 1999, 140
Other illustrations Biermann 1975, ill 19

Unterkircher 1967, 253; Unterkircher 1985, facing 193
Country Belgium
Book of Hours, Use of Rome, from Ghent or possibly Bruges dated c 1505 with many full-page miniatures by Gerard Horenbout, Simon Bening, and the Master of the older Prayerbook of Maximilian I, probably Alexander Bening, the father of Simon - the most renowned illuminators of their day, and a masterpiece of renaissance manuscript illumination. There is nothing to identify the original intended owners. Folios 246 r & v contain the 'Ave maris stella' preceeded by the full-page miniature of Bernard with the Virgin and Child in a Romanesque church before an altar on which is a statue of John the Evangelist within an elaborate frame of open tracery with small figures and with the inscription 'Monstra te esse matrem' below in gold capitals on a red ground. The text of the Ave Maris Stella on the facing recto framed symmetrically and with the inscription 'virgo singularis'. The Bernard image is probably by Simon Bening. Bernard has 'tuft'.