Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Tours
Date 15C/3
Reference No MS Francais 916, f 13r
Size 15.9x14.2
Present Location Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale
Bibliography Catalogue des Manuscrits Francais 1868-92, 1:155-6; Paris 1990, 281; Avril & Reynard 1993,288-9

Leclercq 1953, 227; Dewez & Iterson 1956, 172; Dupeux 1991, 176; Dijon 1953, 50-1
Illustration From Berlioz 1990, frontispiece
Other illustrations Paris 1990, ill 220

Country France
Large miniature in a manuscript of the Lamentations and Meditations of Bernard written in 1474 by Michel Gonnot, a priest, for Jacques d'Armagnac. Bernard is depicted kneeling on grass on a cliff above a lake with castles and mountains in the background in a scene of the Last Judgment. He looks up at Christ in the sky flanked by two angels playing trumpets and the Virgin and another saint (John?) kneeling. At the top within a darker blue circle God the Father with tiara and carrying orb in his left hand has his right hand raised in blessing. He is surrounded by seraphim, all in gold. Bernard is depicted in a Carthusian habit. Behind him is the figure of death with a scythe and arrows. Below naked figures, some tonsured, are being slain and beaten by six devils and enveloped by snakes. The miniature is contained within a gold frame with rounded top surrounded by a border of leaves, flowers, and garpes. Red letters on the previous page (f 12v) have 'Cy commence le livre des meditations Monseigneur Saint bernard glorieux devot confesseur'. Bernard has 'tuft'.