Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Paris
Date 13C/4
Reference No MS Latin 1023, f 409r (detail)
Size 3.7x3.3
Present Location Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale
Bibliography VP1:4:19 (PL185:237-8); Catalogue General 1939-88, 1:366-7

Leroquais 1934, 465-75; Schmitt 1990, 158
Illustration From photo - Library
Other illustrations

Country France
In a Paris manuscript known as the Breviary of Philippe le Bel from the end of the thirteenth century (before 1297) Bernard is depicted within the rosa initial A(nno) with white decoration on a blue ground with white dots and a gold border. He lies, nimbed and in a black cowl, on a white bed at the end of which are three tonsured monks, also in black. A naked baby with gold nimbus rises from Bernard's mouth (his soul) to be received into heaven by an angel coming out of blue and white clouds. The previous folio refers to Bernard and ends by announcing 'Lectio prima'. This is the first of four lessons for Vigils on the Octave of the feast of Bernard taken from the Vita Secunda and beginning: 'The year from the Incarnation of the lord 1113 and the fifteenth year from the establishment of Citeaux, the servant of God Bernard being about twenty-two years of age entered Citeaux with more than thirty companions under Abbot Stephen and submitted himself to the sweet yoke of Christ'. The scribe has mistakenly written 1213 instead of 1113.