Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No MS Francais 2224, f 41v
Size 10.6x8.2
Present Location Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale
Bibliography Catalogue des Manuscrits Francais 1868-92, 1:387; Leroquais 1927, 2:292-3

Martin 1925, 34
Illustration From photo - Library
Other illustrations

Country France
In a Book of Hours from the beginning of the sixteenth century Bernard is shown, crudely illustrated, in a white tunic and black scapular kneeling with his hands clasped in prayer. He has a crozier under his left arm and is looking up to heaven whence rays of gold are streaming down towards him. Behind him and with his back to Bernard and walking away is a brown horned devil with blue back and tail. The wall behind is decorated with figures, leaves and flowers in grisaille. On the previous folio (f 41) the Seven Verses are introduced in French: 's'ensuit les sept vers saint Bernard que le dyable lui enseigna que quiconques les dyra tous les jours, qu'il ne seroit point dampne'. The Verses follow in Latin, and below the image is the prayer beginning with the decorated initial T(res doulx Ihesucrist, roy de gloire, veulles mes yeulx enluminer, donnez moy de vous tel memoyre que peche puisse decliner).