Full-page miniature at the opening of a fifteenth-century manuscript of Bernard's Sermons and Letters from the Premonstratensian abbey of Tongerloo. A standing Bernard has a book under his right arm and a crozier in his right hand. He also holds a banderole with the words 'Sancte bernarde doce nos que sit via vite. Bernardus: [in red] Dura patifacere quia bene sic est via vite. Perseveranti merces dabit deus i[...]' (O, holy Bernard, teach us what is the way of life. Bernard reveals to us the hard things which lead us to this way of life. God will give the reward to the one who perseveres). Bernard is shown standing on grass against a red background and within a decorated frame at the top of which is the inscription 'Sanctus Bernardus abbas clarevallensis'.