Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop court workshop of Frederick III, Masters Michael, Martinus & 'Albrechtsmeister'
Date 15C/2
Reference No MS 326, f 169v (detail)
Provenance Emperor Frederick III
Present Location Vienna, Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek
Bibliography VP1:11:50 (PL185:255-6); LA 209

Unterkircher 1967, 106; Fleith 1991, 312
Illustration From photo - Library
Other illustrations

Country Austria
In a manuscript from 1446 of the Golden Legend belonging to Emperor Frederick III and made in his court workshop, the opening of the chapter is decorated with an initial B(ernardus in Burgundia castro fontanis...) below the heading in red: 'de Sancto Bernardo Abbate'. It is one of 181 historiated initials in the manuscript. Within the initial the scene of Bernard dictating a letter to his cousin Robert, who had decided to leave Clairvaux, is depicted. For security reasons Bernard decided to take his secretary, William, later abbot of Rievaulx, outside to dictate the letter. It started to pour but Bernard decided to continue and, miraculously, the letter did not get wet. The initial is decorated with rosa acanthus leaves on a red background. The figure on the left wearing a cap is writing and must therefore be Bernard's secretary, and the small figure on the right with his hhod over his head must be Bernard. The remoteness of the scene is indicated by the rocks in the background.