Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Master of Charles V
Date 16C/1
Reference No f 94r
Size c 4x3.7
Provenance Cistercian Abbey of St Bernard-op-'t-Scheldt (Saint-Bernard-sur-l'Escaut)
Present Location not known - Sotheby sale 11/12/1984
Bibliography Sotheby Catalogue 11/12/1984

Illustration From Sotheby Catalogue 11/12/1984
Other illustrations

Country Belgium
The Arenberg Missal made in Antwerp for Marcus Cruyt, 29th abbot of the Cistercian abbey of Saint-Bernard-sur-l'Escaut near Antwerp 1518-36, Imperial Ambassador to Denmark, who is depicted on f 68v kneeling before an open book with crozier and coat of arms with mitre on the ground before him in a full-page miniature of the Crucifixion. In one of a large number of square miniatures within gold frames Bernard is depicted kneeling with his crozier and attached sudarium before the Virgin in a chamber with a column in the middle and the Virgin with Child seated on a raised plafform and squeezing her bared breast with her left hand whereby a jet of milk flows in the direction of Bernard. The portrait of Bernard is very similar to the one of the abbot in the Crucifixion scene. The abbot is the same as is portrayed in another Lactation image from the same abbey in a manuscript of 'Manuale pietatis' dated c 1524. The same coat of arms is found in both as well as the scroll with 'Spes mea in Domino' (see MA115). See also MA218.