Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Augsburg, workshop of Ulrich Taler
Date 16C/1
Reference No f 113v
Size 11.5x8.4 (frame with rounded top 8.6x6.0)
Present Location private collection
Bibliography Aachen 1981, 371;Posset 2003,350

Kraus 1958, 88-90; Merkl 1999, 355-6
Illustration From photo - Tessa France
Other illustrations Aachen 1980, 362, ill 2; Kraus 1958, 154

Merkl 1999, ill 277
Country Germany
From German Prayerbook with 39 large miniatures. On the opposite folio (114r) is the text of the prayer 'Salve mundi salutare, salve, salve, Jesu care'. Said by Merkl to have belonged to a Cistercian, although this seems doubtful. One of the 31 full-page miniatures has an Amplexus image in a rocky landscape with a lifeless-looking Christ with arms detached from the Cross supported by a kneeling Bernard in a black cowl. At his feet are a mitre and the arms of Clairvaux. The composition is almost identical to several earlier woodcuts (see EN23 & 36). The border is decorated with flowers and a bird. The date 1541 appears in the manuscript with the initials M H, but at the end of the manuscript is the date 1508. See also MA137 from the same manuscript. The composition of the figures is very similar to that of MA326.