Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Premonstratensian abbey of Windberg?
Date 12C/4
Reference No MS Clm 22253, f 160v (detail)
Size 6.7 high
Provenance Premonstratensian abbey of Windberg
Present Location Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Bibliography VP3:1:1 (PL185:303)

Klemm 1980, 110
Illustration From photo - Library
Other illustrations Klemm 1980, ill 387

Country Germany
Bernard? In a composite manuscript from the last quarter of the twelfth century at the end of Book 2 ('Explicit liber secundus') and the beginning of Book 3 of the Vita Prima, the first of the three books written by Geoffrey of Auxerre, the standing figure of a tonsured monk in a white habit with the hood partially over his head forms the initial against a blue and green ground I(nnumeris quidem signis atque miraculis): 'Innumerable were the signs and miracles that the whole world gathered together by which God glorified his holy faithful servant, Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux'. Both his hands are raised pointing at the adjacent text. The figure may be Bernard, but, as he is not nimbed and does not carry a crozier, it may also represent the author, Geoffrey of Auxerre.