Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Tournai, Arras, or Lille
Date 13C/3
Reference No MS 44 Ludwig VI 5 (92.MH.22), p. 135 (detail)
Provenance Cambron Cistercian Abbey ?
Present Location Malibu, The J Paul Getty Museum
Bibliography VP2:6:37-8 (PL185:289-90); LA 218-9; Euw & Plotzek 1979-85, 1:280-4

Illustration From photo - Museum
Other illustrations Euw & Plotzek 1979-85, 1:ill 180

Country France
From a fragment of an Antiphonary dated 1260-70 consisting of 19 folios with three cut-out initials now in California. In one of these Bernard is depicted within the initial P(rima virtus viri sancti) from the first Responsory of the first Nocturn from Vigils on his feast day. Three other cut-out initials from the same manuscript are in the National Library, Stockholm. Bernard is shown in eucharistic vestments of chasuble, stole, and maniple, coming out of a church following Mass. He holds a paten in his hands on which is placed the consecrated Host which he displays to the Duke of Aquitaine who is thereby converted and falls to the ground before Bernard in accordance with the Vita Prima account of Bernard's visit to southern France to combat heresy. The duke is accompanied by a soldier who stands behind him carrying a spear, and Bernard is accompanied by a monk who stands in the doorway of the church holding Bernard's crozier.