Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Giovanni di Paolo (c 1399-1482)
Date 15C/2
Reference No MS Yates Thompson 36, f 189r (detail)
Size c 9x12.5
Provenance Alfonso V of Aragon, king of Naples
Present Location London, British Library
Bibliography Pope-Hennessy 1993, 59

Brieger, Meiss, & Singleton 1969, 269; Roddewig 1984, 169-70
Illustration From Pope-Hennessy 1993, 186
Other illustrations Dante 1965, 510; Brieger, Meiss, & Singleton 1969, ill 521a

Country Italy
The smallest of the four illuminations of Bernard in Giovanni di Paolo's Paradise manuscript from the 1440's, the one illustrating the final Canto XXXIII, has the Virgin sitting on a marble bench resting on an inlaid marble platform. The angle of the head, the cloak over her shoulder and the gesture of the Child repeat those of f 187r. On the right a standing Bernard points with his right hand to the Virgin while his left hand rests on the head of the kneeling Dante, depicted as a timid suppliant before the Virgin's throne. Bernard is shown addressing the Virgin with the great prayer: 'Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son, humble and exalted more than any other creature, fixed goal of the central counsel, thou art she who did so ennoble human nature that its Maker did not disdain to become its creature. In thy womb was rekindled the love whose warmth this flower in the eternal peace has thus unfolded'. Because of the importance of the prayer, this last folio is given a particularly elaborate initial. (See also MA62-4). Bernard has 'tuft'.