Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Giovanni di Paolo (c 1399-1482)
Date 15C/2
Reference No MS Yates Thompson 36, f 188r (detail)
Size c 9x16.8
Provenance Alfonso V of Aragon, king of Naples
Present Location London, British Library
Bibliography Pope-Hennessy 1993, 59

Brieger, Meiss, & Singleton 1969, 269; Roddewig 1984, 169-70
Illustration From Pope-Hennessy 1993, 183
Other illustrations Pope-Hennessy 1947, ill 80

Brieger, Meiss, & Singleton 1969, pl 516b
Country Italy
The third of the four Paradiso illuminations, the second illustrating Canto XXXII, by Giovanni di Paolo from the 1440's again shows the rose, but this time with fewer petals on a larger scale and with larger figures filling the petals in a more natural way. The stamen is occupied not by the Virgin and Child, but by the Annunciation. Clockwise the other three figures are Anne, Moses with the tablets of the Law. Dante asks Bernard the name of the angel and Bernard replies that it is Gabriel, the angel of the Annunciation. Dante is plucking at Bernard's sleeve, and Bernard has his gaze turned away from the Virgin and on Dante. Beatrice has her right hand on the kneeling Dante and her right hand on Bernard's halo. The position of Dante and Beatrice is again identical to that of the other two preceding pictures. (See also MA62, 63 & 65). Bernard has a 'tuft'.