From an early thirteenth-century manuscript of Bernard's Sermons. Introducing Sermon 1 for Advent, he is sitting within the initial H(odie) in a frontal position on a stool with a cushion dressed in a white cowl, a crozier in his right hand and his left raised in a gesture of blessing. The initial is red and blue decorated with white dots against a pinkish-brown background decorated with white circles and dots. The top is decorated with red and blue flourishes, the tail with 'jawbone' motifs in red, green, and yellow. The figure of Bernard is copied from an earlier Buildwas manuscript, that of a late twelfth-century manuscript of Hugh of Fouilloy's 'De Claustro' where an identical figure of an abbot is found in a drawing of the Wheel of True Religion (now Lambeth MS 107, f 84v - for this see Sheppard 1997, 91-6 and all 29).