Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop
Date 14C/1
Reference No MS 26-27 (formerly MS 1078), f 178r (detail)
Size 3.5x9.5
Provenance Soissons
Present Location Chantilly, Musee Conde
Bibliography VP1:4:19 (PL185:237-8); Berlioz 1988, 270-83

Dupeux 1993, 152-64; France 1998, 30-1
Illustration From
Other illustrations Berlioz 1988, 275; Schmitt 1990, 159; Schmitt 1992, 653; Dupeux 1991, ill 1

Country France
The Exemplum collection entitled 'Ci nous dit' written by a mendicant friar in the vernacular between 1313 and 1330 consists of 781 chapters of which eight are devoted to Bernard. The first of these occupies two whole folios and is illustrated by two long panels, each of which consists of two scenes, this one and one on 178v (see MA 43). On the left of this picture a monk, representing the abbot of Citeaux, Stephen Harding, receives Bernard, identified by his green halo and beard, whose hands he holds. Behind Bernard there is another monk representing the thirty-five referred to in the text as having entered Citeaux at the same time as Bernard. He has his hands raised in praise and thanksgiving. On the right is one of the earliest representations in art of the Lactation. Bernard is sitting covered by what looks like a blanket. His head is turned round and sucking the white breast of the standing and crowned Virgin. Behind her is an altar covered with a white cloth.