Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Benedictine scriptorium
Date 13C/1
Reference No MS Arsenal 268, f 2v (detail)
Size 7.5x5.3
Provenance St-Martin Cluniac priory, Paris
Present Location Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal
Bibliography VP5:2:13 (PL185:359); Catalogue de l'Arsenal 1885-99, 1:156; Leclercq 1953, 44

France 1998, 43; Dijon 1953, 46; Aachen 1981, 374; Schmitt 1990, 4o; Aurenhammer 1959-67, 337 & 340
Illustration From photo - Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal
Other illustrations Leclercq 1953, ill 1; Leclercq 1966, 108

France 1998, ill 24
Country France
The burial of Bernard is depicted in a late twelfth or early thirteenth century manuscript of his Sermons from the Cluniac priory of Sr-Martin des Champs in Paris. Within the initial H(odie fratres) from his sermon for the beginning of Advent, a bearded, tonsured, but not nimbed Bernard is placed in a tomb by two prelates wearing red vestments with white spots and greyish pallia with white crosses, denoting their ranks as metropolitan archbishops. Bernard is wearing eucharistic vestments - a white chasuble above a pale blue alb. Above him are two rows of three tonsured monks each carrying candles and the two front ones swinging round white censers above the tomb. The scene accords with Geoffrey of Auxerre's description of Bernard's burial: 'After the sacrifice of the Mass was over they celebrated Mass for two more days and continually recited psalms. They then committed the most pure balsam into its vessel, and in a stone they placed the most precious jewel'.