Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Lilienfeld
Date 14C/3
Reference No MS 151, f 205v (detail)
Provenance Lilienfeld Cistercian Abbey
Present Location Lilienfeld, Stiftsbibliothek
Bibliography VP 5:2:13 (PL185:359): Paffrath 1990, 88

Schneider 1986, 455; Aachen 1981, 374
Illustration From photo - Abbey
Other illustrations Paffrath 1990, 88; Schneider 1986, 455

Aachen 1981, 367, ill 4
Country Austria
The death of Bernard illustrated in a medallion at his feast on 20 August in the 'Concordantiae Caritatis' written between 1351 and 1358 by Abbot Ulrich of Lilienfeld after his resignation in 1351. One of 245 miniatures in the manuscript. The body of Bernard in a grey cowl with his hands crossed over his body lies watched over by five monks, two in white cowls, three in grey, three of them with their hands raised, one wiping tears from his eyes, and one pointing to Bernard with his left hand and with a book in his right hand. Above two angels are holding a cloth which is supporting a small naked half-figure representing Bernard's soul on its way to heaven. The inscription around the circular border reads: 'It (?) pater ad celos cui cantant agmina melos. Dulcedine gratum quod et hunc probat esse beatum' (The choir of angels sing melodies to the father going to the heavens with joyful sweetness which proves him to be blessed).