Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Pol, Jean, & Herman de Limbourg
Date 15C/1
Reference No Inv. 54.1.1: The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, 1405-1408/9, f 175v
Size 23.8x17
Provenance Paris
Present Location New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cloisters Collection
Bibliography Porcher 1953

Meiss & Beatson 1974, 260
Illustration From photo - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Other illustrations Porcher 1953, ill 113; Meisss & Beatson 1974, 261

Country France
From a Bernard suffrage in a Book of Hours (Use of Paris) finished in 1408-9 by the three Limbourg brothers just before they turned to the 'Tres riches heures' which were unfinished at the duke's death in 1416 and is now at Chantilly. Bernard is in a black cowl with the hood over his head but he draws the cowl up on one side to expose the white tunic beneath. On the reverse (f 175r) is a panel with an almost identical St Benedict except that he does not hold a book and there is no white showing beneath the black cowl. Among the most impressive group of paintings produced in the first decade of the fifteenth century just as the 'Tres riches heures' is in the second. The year after Jean's death the Belles Heures was purchased by Yolande, Duchess of Anjou. The manuscript was formerly part of the Rothschild collection at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.