Category Manuscript
Origin: artist/workshop Court Atelier of Ludwig I of Liegnitz and Brieg
Date 14C/3
Reference No MS Ludwig XI 7 (83 MN 126), f 167r
Size 33.8x24.5
Provenance Silesia
Present Location Malibu, California, J Paul Getty Museum
Bibliography Paffrath 1990, 87; Gottschalk 1967, 61-161

France 1998, 37-8; Euw & Plotzek 1979-85, 3:74-81; Schmitt 1990, 158
Illustration From photo - Museum
Other illustrations Paffrath 1990, 87; France 1998, ill 18 ; Gottschalk 1967, 142

Libor 1967, 17; Euw & Plotzek 1979-85, 3:ill 37
Country Poland
From the life cycle of St Hedwig of Silesia known as the Schlackenwerther or Hedwig Codex completed in 1353 which contains 61 illustrations including a number of Bernard which decorate Bernard's Sermons. One folio has two scenes, above a tonsured and nimbed Bernard in a greyish habit is shown writing at an adjustable desk against which his crozier is leaning with the inscription above, 'Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux, is writing a sermon on the gospel passage 'An Angel was sent''. Below he is shown pointing to an open book which he holds in his left hand while addressing five monks at his feet, two of them with their hoods partially over their heads, one pointing to Bernard and another looking at him attentively. The inscription in red reads, 'Here he reads the homily to his most beloved brethren'. Bernard has 'tuft'.