Category Glass
Origin: artist/workshop Netherlandish School by Arnoult of Nijmegen, helped by Henri de Campes of Tournai
Date 15C/4
Reference No
Size c 60 x c 55
Provenance Tournai Cathedral
Present Location Tournai Cathedral, apse in northern transept
Bibliography Helbig 1961, 203-81

Illustration From photo - IRPA/KIK
Other illustrations Helbig 1961, ill 146

Country Belgium
There are two groups of seven windows from around 1500 in Tournai Cathedral depicting hiatorical subjects relating to the bishopric of Tournai. The first relates to the early medieval struggle between the brothers Sigebert, while the second group deals with events in the twelfth century, at the beginning of which the bishopric was annexed to that of Noyon although they both retained their cathedrals and chapters. In 1146 one of the canons of Tournai, Letbert, succeeded, with the help of Bernard, to regain the autonomy of Tournai and Abbot Anselm was blessed as bishop by the pope. The events are depicted with ten scenes on seven glass panels varying in height from 56-66 cm and in width from 52-62 cm. One of these shows the three delegates from Tournai including Canon Letbert who kneels before Bernard, seated on a throne-like chair, accompanied by two of his monks with the buildings of Clairvaux behind them. Bernard has his crozier in his left hand and with his right hand he is handing the letter of recommendation for them to take to Pope Eugenius III. Bernard has a 'tuft'.