Category Glass
Origin: artist/workshop Cologne workshop
Date 16C/1
Reference No
Size 63x89
Provenance Altenberg Cistercian Abbey, cloister
Present Location Shrewsbury, England, St Mary's Church, north window
Bibliography EM2:3 (Griesser 1961, 100-1); Paffrath 1984, 195-6; Hunt 1951, 16

Eckert 1953, 116; Paris 1990, 291; France 1998, 172
Illustration From Paffrath 1984, ill 57
Other illustrations Eckert 1953, pl 37

Paris 1990, ill 248; France 1998, ill 116
Country Germany
1505/32. The story from the 'Exordium Magnum' of Bernard's vision of angels surrounding the monks during vigils and recording their varying degrees of devotion by writing in gold, silver, ink, or water. The Clairvaux choir is depicted with three monks on either side of the stalls, each carrying a book, and the high altar in the background. Furthest left is Bernard holding a crozier and with an aspersorium of holy water before him. In the front of the other monks are five kneeling angels, each with a scroll on which their decision is recorded in one of the four media. While four of them have their heads bowed and are clearly writing, the fifth, facing Bernard, is looking up and her scroll is blank.